How to Download
Sabtu, 29 Desember 2012
Selasa, 25 Desember 2012
Minggu, 16 Desember 2012
ReBuilding my AROS System ..
I had few problems with my AROS system and now i am wasting/using my free time trying to rebuild my AROS and so far so good and latest aros sems super faaast.
Kamis, 06 Desember 2012
Adrian a 3D role playing strategy game for Aros
Adrian is a simple 3D role playing strategy game just made it to AROS.
I have add a icon and fullscreen play to gameplay..
To play in full screen run in shell and type Adrian fullscreen
game source
Senin, 26 November 2012
HarmonyPlayer Update
I have decided to drop implement
ID3 back/front cover APIC images to HarmonyPlayer which is holding me back and i wont use libid3 or others work but done my research and job done..get back to this again...
ID3v1 was already implemented but not enabled till now because i had to go back to and fix few thing like ID3v2.1/.2.2/2.3/2.4 and done now..
I have add iconv (which adds another 1.2mb to my executable)to support UTF-8/UTF-16/ISO-8859-1/ if any others needed for outside uk than please email or msg me at aros-exec...
Auto Update works nice but i found a bug so i need to rebuild one more time and maybe this will be last time i will upload HarmonyPlayerfbbecause autoupdate and self installation should kick in When Ready...
Kamis, 22 November 2012
Senin, 19 November 2012
ChineseCheckers on Aros.
To Play
Open shell/cli and type ChineseCheckers to play instead of clicking on the icon..
How to play wiki
Sabtu, 17 November 2012
Minggu, 11 November 2012
Adding Sonix VendorID = 0x0c45, ProductID = 0x6270
Kamis, 08 November 2012
Sonix 04 for aros
Sonix v0.40 Aros
port by me
thanks to Author: Mathias PARNAUDEAU
* An USB webcam driver !
This program / driver can be used (has been tested) with these webcams :
o Sweex 100K :
- VendorID = 0x0c45, ProductID = 0x6009 (sensor pas106b)
- VendorID = 0x0c45, ProductID = 0x6005 (sensor tas5110c1b)
o Trust SpaceCam 150 Portable
- VendorID = 0x0c45, ProductID = 0x6029
o Macally IceCam Portable
- VendorID = 0x0c45, ProductID = 0x6007
It supports USB stacks Poseidon on aros.
Limitations are:
- The picture size can't be changed at the moment
use usblist or Trident to find about product id (0x6270) and vendor (0x0C45) if works with yours..
Rabu, 31 Oktober 2012
Tux Football
Still under development and i will keep an eye on this game..
source from :
Rabu, 24 Oktober 2012
Minggu, 21 Oktober 2012
Sabtu, 20 Oktober 2012
X-Pired for My-Aros
Just Developing for Aros...
So Another port ready.
Watch G a m e P L A Y
Game source at
Download Now
So Another port ready.
Watch G a m e P L A Y
Game source at
Download Now
Selasa, 16 Oktober 2012
Triplane Aros
v2 at
I have port this while searching for something else so here you go and fly away.
- new icon
- code is changed a bit to perform better on aros
Senin, 15 Oktober 2012
Hex-A-Hop for aros
hexahop for aros
While away i have ported some games and Hex-a-hop is one of them...
and source at hexahop
Kamis, 04 Oktober 2012
Kamis, 06 September 2012
HarmonyPlayer 0.1 for aros..
HarmonyPlayer 0.1 in progress...
screenshoot of aros version..
skin 1(you can add your own)
search function enabled now..
HarmonyPlayer (gets bit of love from manu)
Support for the following modules formats:
669 (Composer 669, Unis 669),
AMF (DSMI Advanced Module Format),
AMF (ASYLUM Music Format V1.0),
APUN (APlayer), DSM (DSIK internal format),
FAR (Farandole Composer),
GDM (General DigiMusic),
IT (Impulse Tracker),
IMF (Imago Orpheus),
MOD (15 and 31 instruments),
MED (OctaMED),
MTM (MultiTracker Module editor),
OKT (Amiga Oktalyzer),
S3M (Scream Tracker 3),
STM (Scream Tracker),
STX (Scream Tracker Music Interface Kit),
ULT (UltraTracker),
UNI (MikMod),
XM (FastTracker 2),
Ogg (Vorbis audio format),
Flac (Flac audio format)
Wav (wav audio format)
Mid (midi format via timidity)
Mp3 (mp3 format also added)
also ported
-Icon Tooltype control.
-AutoUpdate (detects if you have live tcp)
For midi Timidity: must be assigned....
Selasa, 21 Agustus 2012
Kamis, 16 Agustus 2012
My Aros'es AC is Dead....
Its not aros but my eeePC 900a Ac Adaptor giveup on me but have ordered newone because i was progressing well on my syntax-highlighting editor and my brother took my aspire D150 for a week so i want my arooooos now..
Rabu, 25 Juli 2012
--Summer Time RoadMap--
My Roadmap is planned as it goes
1.Add more functions(stream) to Mp3Player when free or stuck with other ports.
2.Rewrite AMster to zune since mui failed to start but ported all ok.
3.Torrent Client needs solving and finishing off.
4.Write a new native app called aPDFcreater for aros only with zune interface.
5.if all done i like to work on pos on aros like touchscreen/callerid/printer device
Selasa, 03 Juli 2012
I Have No Tomatoes
I Have No Tomatoes for aros
copy your .mp3 music files to music/ folder to listen them while playing...
edit config.cfg for
video_mode_fullscreen = 1
perspective = 1
set specials to key 's' in game settings
Kamis, 21 Juni 2012
mp3Player just gone 1.0
I could not stay on 0.9 and add functions forever so here is the 1.0 the most stable version of mp3Player.. add'ed few more option to Tooltypes and usage as it shown here with screenshoots..
screenshoot 1 - on wanderer with backdrop image enabled.
Screenshoot 2 - own matching own screen + backdrop image
Screenshoot 3 + 4- wanderer desktop

also mp3Player backround become my aros backround...
screenshoot 1 - on wanderer with backdrop image enabled.

Screenshoot 2 - own matching own screen + backdrop image

Screenshoot 3 + 4- wanderer desktop

also mp3Player backround become my aros backround...
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